Dragon's Lair Steam price comparison

Dragon's Lair
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Dragon's Lair is a side-scrolling platform game based on the laserdisc game of the same name released for the Nintendo Entertainment System and developed by the MotiveTime group. Plotwise, the game is identical to the original.

The game is a side-scroller with the character walking slowly. Dirk can walk, crawl, or jump forward, and he has an array of weapons that he can discover and use to dispose of enemies. The controller layout is reversed from other mainstream NES titles, with Select functioning as the Pause-button while Start is used for the Candle object (which helps reveal hidden weapons). Also, B is used for jumping, and A for attacking (the input of the A & B buttons is almost always the opposite in similar NES games).

Price comparison

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Dragon's Lair — Steam
Dragon's Lair Steam Gift
-5%: GKC5
€274,99 €261,24
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Dragon's Lair
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Dragon's Lair — Publisher
Dragon's Lair
Dragon's Lair is available from 261.24 to 261.24 from 1 shops.

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Available in 1 Shop