12 orbits Steam price comparison

12 orbits
With our price comparison you find all 12 orbits CD Keys and prices from Steam. Compare 12 orbits for Steam for the best price. Check out all CD Key Stores and enjoy 12 orbits on Steam today. Buy 12 orbits on Steam now!

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Play with everybody at once. Anywhere. Anytime.

12 orbits doesn't require any prior knowledge, preparation time or additional controllers. Your left and right Joy-Con, or even the touch screen alone, are all you need for any number of players. The only limit is how close you'd like to be together.

12 orbits is colorful, friendly, fun, and sometimes a little chaotic. You will score goals, color spheres, defend your territory and try to grow as long as possible in 4 varied game modes. It’s you against all comers, or grouped as teams.

With simple rules and only one button per player, 12 orbits can be taught to anyone in no time. You can set up a new game in a matter of seconds, even for 12 players. And since each round only lasts about 5 minutes, there's always time for another quick match!

Price comparison

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12 orbits — Steam
12 orbits Steam Gift
-5%: GKC5
€2.407,14 €2.286,78
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12 orbits — Publisher
12 orbits
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12 orbits — Publisher
12 orbits
12 orbits is available from 2286.78 to 2286.78 from 1 shops.

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Available in 1 Shop