Adele: Following the Signs price comparison

Adele: Following the Signs
With our price comparison you find all Adele: Following the Signs CD Keys and prices from CD Code Stores. Compare Adele: Following the Signs for the best price. Check out all CD Key Stores and enjoy Adele: Following the Signs today. Buy Adele: Following the Signs now!


Adele: Following the Signs is the result of over 2 years of hard work from the people at Unosquare Labs. It is an extremely challenging 2.5D puzzle-platform strategy game with beautiful graphics, original art and music, and an interesting gameplay written by Unosquare. Special guest music composer coming soon!

Adele is not meant to be a zombie killing game. Players have to strategically maneuver objects to block their path, run away or trap zombies into falling in order to escape them. The game is set in different environments which impact your interaction with the zombies, being in a factory is going to be different than in the countryside, or underground.

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Adele: Following the Signs

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